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Big Companies Turn to This Startup to Fix Bad Customer Service

Here is news about "Big Companies Turn to This Startup to Fix Bad Customer Service" a review by "Jesse Draper" at Mashable on 09-01-2013:

Jesse Draper is creator and host of The Valley Girl Show, through which she's become a spokesperson for startups and helped pioneer the way of new media content distribution. Formerly a Nickelodeon star, Draper is now CEO of Valley Girl, where she oversees the show and runs technology blog

Customer service can make or break businesses. Plenty of companies get it right, like Zappos. But even more companies get it wrong.

How many times have you repeated the same problem over and over to your TV service provider or phone company's customer service representative? They appear to have no way of tracking your initial complaint. And everyone has at some point emailed a complaint. Did said company respond? Probably not.

Zendesk has recently become the secret to everyone's customer service issues. With 300 customer service employees, the cloud-based help desk software startup helps companies provide the best possible customer service.

It’s all about using technology to help keep customers happy, and it’s working. Today, more than 100 million people in 140 countries get their customer service through Zendesk’s 25,000-plus customers, which includes companies ranging from Gilt Groupe and, to Disney, GroupOn and Airbnb. Zendesk recently raised $60 million of new funding.

In an exclusive interview with Zendesk’s CEO, Mikkel Svane, we asked him what he thought was the secret to great customer service. He says it’s about building a relationship with your customers based on responsiveness.

"When somebody asks you something, make sure they get an answer quickly," he says. In addition, he mentions creating trust through honesty. He acknowledges that dealing with customers effectively can be a challenge, which is why they developed their technology in the first place.

"Like everybody who’s ever spent time in a call center and a help desk knows, spending your entire day just dealing with customer issues and customer problems – people crying, people celebrating, people yelling at you – it’s really, really hard," he says.

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